
The Brooklyn College Facts Handbook
Client :: Brooklyn College

The Brooklyn College Facts 2020 is a 4-page booklet that gives information on campus admissions, financial, and student enrollment. As a team, we created a handbook based on data and information given to us by the school.

Survey Handbook
Client :: Brooklyn College

The Survey Handbook consists of 50 pages providing information on getting accurate survey data. 

The Brooklyn College Cares Survey Social Media Campaign
Client :: Brooklyn College

The Brooklyn College Cares Survey gives an opportunity for students to use the power of their voice to let the college know what they can improve.

Educational Research and Assessment Social Media Campaign
Client :: Brooklyn College 

The educational research and assessment campaign gives information to faculties providing tools to support learning outcomes.

ERA Instagram Post

ERA Instagram Story

ERA Twitter Post


Fall 2020 Assessment Office Hours Banner
Client :: Brooklyn College​​​​​​​
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